Wiki OK... need hydration/infusion help

Lynda Wetter

True Blue
Local Chapter Officer
Glen Allen, VA
Best answers
PT has NS 1000cc started at 16:45, Reglan added to the bag at 16:45. IV DC'ed at 17:50.

My question is...
Because the meds were added to the bag does that now change the code FROM 96360 to 96365??

hope this makes sense...thanks to all who can give input, I'm kinda new to the hydration/infusion scene!!! :confused:
Maybe someone else can advise about Reglan, but is it normally given IV? If the patient was given saline for dehydration, and some Reglan was added (ie., for nausea - ?), then you'd bill the saline and 96360. However, if Reglan was a drug to be infused and it was given with saline, then you'd bill Reglan and 96365 (not saline in that case since it became part of the drug).
Well the PT was vominitng and nasueous, so hydration for vomiting and Reglan for nausea??!!! But since they chose to put the Reglan in the bag does that then mean I choose the 96365, not the hydration???
Thanks for the help.