Wiki Office Visit vs. Hospial Admission


Loganville, GA
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If our doctor sees a patient in the office and admits the patient and dictates an H&P at the hospital, should we bill for an office visit, the admission or both?
If our doctor sees a patient in the office and admits the patient and dictates an H&P at the hospital, should we bill for an office visit, the admission or both?


When the patient is admitted to the hospital via another site of service (e.g., hospital emergency department, physician's office, nursing facility), all services provided by the physician in conjunction with that admission are considered part of the initial hospital care when performed on the same date as the admission.

Contractors pay both visits if a patient is seen in the office on one date and admitted to the hospital on the next date, even if fewer than 24 hours has elapsed between the visit and the admission.

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if the date of visits are different, then you can bill for both inpatient and outpatient visits according to their dates. However, if the patient was seen in the clinic and was then admitted as inpatient on the same day, you are allowed to combine both notes and bill it as an inpatient visit.