Wiki office visit prior to a screening colonoscopy


Milford, DE
Best answers
It is my understanding that you can not bill for an office visit if the pt. is only coming in to be scheduled for a screening colon. I know this is true for Medicare patients but I am now being told it is for all patients.

Who is responsible for reviewing all the meds that these patients are on and if they need cardiac clearance or there BMI is to high for an out pt surgical center?? (just a few examples of what needs to be addressed prior to scheduling)

Who reviews the prep??There is a lot involved when scheduling a pt who's license is on the line?

Is it billable if they have family history, hypertension, asthma. They are not GI dx but need to be addressed prior to procedure.

And is there a time limit that an ov can be billed?

Example Mr. smith comes into the office on 01012015 and is not scheduled until 01/21/2015