Wiki Office service or preventative E&M


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:confused: Patient came in for a px for a college course. Provider noted it would be similar to our kindergarten px. Provider entered 99213 for E&M level, and her assessment is "Administrative exam, (work, school, military)". We are not finding any clear guidance if this should be charged as the office service or as a preventative. Any assistance would be appreciated!

Under Preventive Medicine Services guidelines in CPT 2013, age-appropriate hx, exam, couseling, dx tests, without addressing a pre-existing or new problem falls under preventive medicine. (pg 35) If I understand correctly, 99213 would be used to address a specific complaint.
some help for you

Sounds like the doc did a preventative service on this patient, so pt could be admitted to the college course. The docs reference to "Administrative exam, (work, school, military)," is a reference to the diagnosis code V70.3 "Other medical examination for administrative purposes." As far as the CPT code that you should use, refer to "Preventative Medicine Services, New Patient (99381-99387) or Established Patient (99391-99397), based on age of patient.

Hope that helps! :)