Wiki Office MGR signing physician's notes?!


Wichita, KS
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Can someone please help point me towards the correct medicare documentation for this?

Our office manager is also an RN. I have noticed that she has been electronically finalizing one of our physician's progress notes. I have been sending them back to the physician to finalize.

Is this legal?! I didn't think anyone could sign or finalize the physician's work except for the performing physician/supervising physician.

Any input on this subject would be greatly appreciated!
Only the provider can sign his note. It cannot be signed out by the nurse or any one else. Check the federal register for this, you will probably need to do a google search to find it.
CMS is very clear on this. The manager, whether an RN or not, can not sign off on the medical record. This is delegated to the provider of service.

Signature's Requirements

Medicare requires that services provided/ordered be authenticated by the author. The signature for each entry must be legible and should include the practitioner's first and last name. For clarification purposes, we recommend you include your applicable credentials (e.g., P.A., D.O., or M.D.).

Palmetto also list's additional links at the end of this guideline for other references.