Wiki Office mgr left...HELP

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Our office manager recently quit and now I'm it. She has done nothing for ICD-10 I have found out even thought Ive been asking for 8 months where she was with it and all she would say is "its fine" I need direction can anyone give me some advice. Im now the office manger and the biller and sometimes receptionist!! :confused:
The CMS website has some good information in their "Road to ICD10." That might be a good place to get started.

Good luck!
Mary Wells, CPC, RCC, CPMA
I agree the Road to ICD10 is a great resource.

Are you on an EMR or still using paper charts? If on an EMR please contact them directly to make sure your software is ICD10 compliant. Also, ask them if there is anything you need to do internally to make you ready for Oct 1st. If you are on an EMR is your clearing house ready? Our company's EMR system has tons of webinars and forums for us to make sure we are on track or if we have questions.

Have you gotten any ICD10 training? Has your doctor(s) had any training? Our local hospitals provided intense online ICD10 training for the doctors so they could understand more about ICD10. Not sure if in your area they do this, but may want to check. Also, AAPC has training available.

If you need more let me know.
Candy Hershel, RHIT, CPC, CPMA
Thank you for the info. I have been on the CMS website for my own personal use and should be done with my ICD-10 certification this week. I have been in touch with our EHR people and practice manager people and we are working on upgrading our system now. Just makes me nervous that she did nothing and basically has been dumped in my lap with less than a month to go...UGH.

Thanks again
You didn't mention what type of office you work in, as to specialty. Depending on that, CMS has also provided several guidelines that are specialty specific which are good. I believe those may be found in the Road to ICD-10 section on their website as well.

Priority #1, as someone else mentioned, is that if you are currently using an EHR system, that you contact the vendor to make sure that it has ICD-10 coding capability. If not, you need to get that set up or your learning curve may be so steep that your accounts receivable get way out of line for a while as you try to figure out the new coding system.

Tom Cheezum, O.D., CPC-A