Wiki Office EKG question?


Jacksonville, FL
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Happy Friday Everyone,

I have a question regarding the office setting of the incident-to Medicare guidelines and I wanted to make sure I'm reading this correctly.

Example: In the office setting, you have a mid-level perform an incident-to visit and along with the E&M there is an office EKG performed. How I'm reading the guidelines, the E&M would go under the supervising physician, but the EKG would need to be submitted to Medicare under the mid-levels provider number?

Must a supervising physician be physically present when flu shots, EKGs, Laboratory tests, or X-rays are performed in an office setting in order to be billed as ?incident to? services?
These services have their own statutory benefit categories and are subject to the rules applicable to their specific category. They are not "incident to" services and the "incident to" rules do not apply.
If the visit and EKG are part of the supervising physician's plan of care (and that physician sees the patient on an ongoing basis) then both the OV and EKG could be billed under the MD via incident-to guidelines. However if either the OV or the EKG are a result of a new problem and/or not part of the supervising MDs plan of care then they should be billed under the mid level.

Hope this helps.
