Wiki Office Consult


East Providence, RI
Best answers
:confused:Proper way of communicating with the requesting physician-
Just yesterday I was reviewing some of the auditing forums, and found that another practice was providing a separate letter for communicating back to the requesting provider. However, my practice only uses the dictated note used for the office visit, and a cc notation at the bottom so the transcriptionist will then print another copy of the dictation and send to the requesting provider that is listed as the cc. Can anybody tell me how their practice would communicate with the requesting provider? Any insight on this would be helpful. We do alot of consults in my practice, and would like to know how other facilities do this.

Thank you,
Our system

I work for two different specialties and their processes are different:

Specialty # 1: ALL our office visits are dictated in the form of a letter to the PCP (or requesting physician). Whether they are a "consultation" or not. A copy of same is sent to the PCP automatically by our transcription service. The "original" is stored in the patient's electronic chart.

Specialty # 2: Office visits are dictated and transcribed by the physician's admin assistant. If it is a consultation, a cover letter is sent to the requesting physician with a copy of the office visit note attached.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
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