Wiki Office coding


Macon, Ga
Best answers
I have a question about coding for A1C and fingersticks...if someone comes into the office and are NOT there for a DM issue and the nurse gets a A1C or a glucose fingerstick can you charge for that?? The doctor didn't discuss the pts DM at all during the visit. I'm just wondering if you can bill for the bloodwork with out a DM dx listed. The pt has diabeties but they came in for a cold.

Thank you

Is that the only DX you can pull? If he states that she has DM in her history then yes you can use that Dx as a secondary and it will cover.

Nichole Hight
Coder for LMH
I agree with Nicole. I would recommend you review the chart note and access the LCD list for your area, they will have a listing of all of the acceptable diagnoses you could link with your charge to support medical necessity. Hope this helps you !

Melissa M