Wiki Odd Question......


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Hello! I have worked for General Surgery about 6 years and have just taken the specialty exam last weekend. I thought the exam was difficult but mostly due to types of procedures our surgeons do not do. I am curious as to how many General Surgeons out there really do place pacemakers and organ transplants? Are there a great deal of you out there very familiar with these types of procedures?

Thanks in advance for any info!!

I work for a group of Cardiac Anesthesilogists and that is all we do is bypass surgery and heart transplants, EP cases. The sugeons we work for only do those cases. :D
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Our surgeons do do pacemakers, but not transplants. We are in a smaller community that doesn't have a ton of specialists, so I think that we see a pretty broad range of things that not a large majority of GS probably see.
the pnly pacemaker my surgeon do is gastric and no transplants ever.............there were transplant coding on general surgery exam? thinking about taking the test myself
I do not have any day-to-day experience with these type of cases either. I do feel that the practice tests supplied by the AAPC did prepare me for this type of question on the exam. My advice ... if you see something you are unfamilar with in the practice exam do some research and make notations in your CPT manual. If it was on the practice exam, it will be addressed on the actual test.
I too work for general surgeons (general, vascular, and thoracic actually) and we do not do any transplants. We are also in a rather rural area and as such my docs do things that other docs might not do in a bigger city as there are not many surgeons around here :)
I did find the test to be quite challenging but the study guide and practice tests did help a whole lot.
Thank You to all for your responses! I surprised myself and passed the test with a great score! I agree the practice exam made a huge difference and also letting me know I needed to review these things prior to the test.

We work in the Quad City area with so many specialists so I forget how this would be different in smaller areas. I couldn't imagine our hospital not calling a cardiologist for a pacemaker placement but calling us. It was awesome to see that some of you are doing them out there!!!

Again Thanks for your responses!!