Wiki occlusion cardiology


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How can you code the occlusion of left anterior and posterior tibial arteries in the ICD-9-CM? thank you....
I code for an interventionist and there are several diseases that causes the occlusion but our most frequent disease is Atherosclerosis of the extremities, unspecified 440.20. There are manifestations as intermittent claudication 440.21, with rest pain 440.22, with ulceration 440.23, with gangrene 440.24 or other 440.29. As always, check the documentation for any of these manifestations. Hope this help!
Yes, as stated previously, several factors can contribute to occlusion. If atherosclerosis (or arteriolosclerosis) is not specified in the report, then I go with Vol 2: Occlusion, arteries of extremities, lower 444.22.
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