Wiki Obtaining fluid from a cavity clarification pls

Syracuse, NY
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Under the table of risk, diagnostic procedures ordered, where it states "Obtain fluid from a body cavity" my office mgr and providers are at odds over what constitutes a "cavity". I have the medical definition-any fluid filled space in a multi-cellular organism other than a vessel, and my trusty coding examples, but they are requesting a more definitive answer.

Does a throat culture, urine culture, nasal swab, vaginal or anal swab or Incision and drainage of abscess, qualify for "obtaining fluid from a body cavity"? my docs say oral and nasal cavities for TC and nasal swab. Urine, vaginal and anal swabs are obvious, and they say I&D is from the "cavity" of the abscess.

I say "cavity" means a much more involved situation like a thorocentesis. Plus CPT points to the answer-TC, UC, and everything else codes with LAB codes 800... series, and that the only thing that might qualify is the bladder cath to obtain the sample for the culture, as the cath is a medicine code. PLEASE fellow coders, give me some feedback so we can put this to rest! Thank you!!!