Wiki Observation unit EM coding for specialists


Milford, DE
Best answers
We are GI Specialists being consulted by attending physicians while the pt is in an observation status. We are currectly using 99243 or 99244 for the initial vist. and 99213 or 99214 for the sub. visit. According to the CPT book it states that the supervising phy. or other qualified health care professional use 99218-99220 initial sub visits use 99224 -99226 .
other phy use 99241-99245 sub visits use 99211-99215. what is the correct way to be billing when you are consulted on an observation unit patient?
when you are consulted to the obs unit you use the est or new patient OV levels. This is written in the CMC manual. I no longer have the section, but you can search the internet manual and find this.
Hi Debra,

Excuse my ignorance, what is the CMC manual? I tried to search it on the internet but didn't get relevant results pertaining to coding.
