Wiki Observation Status in the Hospital


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I'm getting conflicting people stating we are billing incorrect. We are using 99218-99220 for initial observation codes and then f/u codes 99224-99226. They are saying we need to use 99201-99205 and then f/u 99224-99226 codes. Need help!!!
Only the supervising physician admitting the patient to observation status can bill the initial obeservation care codes. If your provider is only consulting at the request of the supervising provider then you would use the regular office EM codes.
The physician admitting to outpt should use the 99218-99220. The admitting dr is also who would use the 99224-99226 for follow-up daily visits. If your dr is consulting, then for commercial ins you would use regular OP consult code then regular E&M daily visits for follow-up. If consulting for MCR, then you would need to use E&M codes for both consult and follow-up visits. Be sure to watch if it's a new pt for your consult. Hope this helps!