Wiki OBS Consult and OBS discharge


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Can you bill a consult in the Observation unit and a discharge from Observation on the same DOS?

Per CPT: 99217: "This code is to be utilized by the physician to report ALL services provided to a patient on discharge from "observation status"..."

I am thinking we cannot.

Your question is not clear as to who your provider is, however only the doctor who ordered the patient into Observation would use the observation codes. If your doctor did a consult than I am assuming he was not the admitting doctor and he should be billing with an out patient consult code - unless it is a Medicare patient, than you would bill the outpatient new or established patient codes appropriately. The consulting doctor would not be discharging the patient - the ordering doctor would do that.

If your doctor is the ordering doctor he would not be doing a consult - he would use codes 99234-99236 if the patient is admitted and discharged on the same date of service.

Hope this helps.