Wiki Obesity


Lemoyne, PA
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What specific icd10 dx code do you use for childhood obesity ... would that be other forms of obesity? is there anything more specific other than BMI? also in order to use excess in calories, do the physicians notes have to indicate "excess in calories" or can the notes say "due to sugary foods"

appreciate your input
What specific icd10 dx code do you use for childhood obesity ... would that be other forms of obesity? is there anything more specific other than BMI? also in order to use excess in calories, do the physicians notes have to indicate "excess in calories" or can the notes say "due to sugary foods"

appreciate your input
Childhood obesity codes to an E66 code but not E66.8. Z68 BMI codes are not diagnosis codes, they are status codes that provide additional information and are not reportable without a diagnosis code.