Wiki obesity as a diagnosis


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We are getting denials for using obesity as a diagnoais code from a few
of our commercial carriers. I thought that it was supposed to be a covered diagnosis as part of Obama Care. I was wondering what experiences that others might be having with it?
Obesity as a primary diagnosis has been an issue for a long time with carriers slow to come around to allowing it as a valid diagnosis code. I am not sure what the answer is....
Obesity is a valid diagnosis code and can be a primary. However coverage for obesity is another matter. Medicare does cover obesity counseling provider you follow the rules and use the G code, I do not remember the number I think it is G0444 but just because Medicare covers this does not mean other payers will. You must have a BMI greater than 30 which means you need a diagnosis for morbid obesity for Medicare. If these are Medicare patients then you should look this up on the Medicare site to get all the parameters of what you need for this to be covered.