Wiki OB Ultrasounds

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I am under the understanding that complete OB ultrasounds are only done twice, in the first trimester and again at the 20 week anatomy visit. If the provider at a visits suspects an issue and then at the next visit does an ultrasound to check for growth it would be a follow up ultrasound OR can they code a complete ultrasound as long as they hit all the components? We billed a complete ultrasound after the initial 20 week visit and Cigna is denying the claim.
Carriers typically have their own policies surrounding OB US. Have you looked on Cigna's website to see if they have a policy you can reference? What state are you in?
I wasn't able to open the link, we are in Vermont. But u think we can we just might have a problem with the insurance's covering them?
Yes, you will have to follow the carrier's medical policy.

I attached Cigna's policy regarding prenatal ultrasounds.


  • mm_0142_routine_ultrasound_use_in_maternity_care_3d4d.pdf
    100.5 KB · Views: 19