Huntsville, AL
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Hi all. I am new to obstetrics billing. And now confronted with billing transfer out OB patients. This is my question. If a doctor voluntarily leaves practice A to go to Practice B and the patients follow suit because they want to stay with the same doctor in midst of pregnancy, just at a different location. How does that work? I can't seem to find anything in guidelines or research that specifically speaks on that. The patient would be under the care of the same provider/ NPI from beginning to end, but a different TAX ID number for the practice location. Same doctor/ same insurance/ different location. Am I correct in that Practice A has no grounds to be billing for antepartum only care because the patients are under the care of the same doctor?
TYPICALLY, Practice A would bill only for the work they provided. Practice B would bill only for the work they provided. It results in a ton of split billing the first 8 months or so. Practice A should be entitled to receive payment for services provided by Dr. 123 while under their employment.
It is possible (if specified in the employment contract or otherwise agreed upon and very unlikely) that Dr. 123 gets to bill global under Practice B.
TYPICALLY, Practice A would bill only for the work they provided. Practice B would bill only for the work they provided. It results in a ton of split billing the first 8 months or so. Practice A should be entitled to receive payment for services provided by Dr. 123 while under their employment.
It is possible (if specified in the employment contract or otherwise agreed upon and very unlikely) that Dr. 123 gets to bill global under Practice B.
Thank You so very much for your explanation.