Wiki Ob question!! Plz help!!:)


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I am new to OB billing and have a few question!!

First is if a patient is in labor and the regular doctor is up with this patient all night but then has to go into a c-section - (by a different doctor) what do I charge for the provider that was with her first??

Second is when charging for a c-section how is that different from a vaginal? The practice that I am at they are counting the days and then putting the initial date of pregnancy as the procedure date (huge red flag for me) - but i'm thinking if we use global codes for both c-section and vaginal we wouldn't be charging out the visit for c-section patient's would we/????

I hope that makes sense!!!
Thank you!!!
1st Q-You would not charge anything for the provider that was with the patient all night. No service was provided, so nothing can be billed.

2nd Q-If you use global codes then you would use the date of delivery as the DOS. You would only use ONE code if billing globally, depending on the way they delivered. 59400 for vaginal and 59510 for c-sec.
I have just come across the same scenario. Our physician is stating he was with the patient for 19 hours before the decision was made to do a c-section. I was told to bill an initial admit with prolonged services. Do this seem appropriate?
Anca Ion, CPC

Did the doctor delivered the baby? Then, you can bill delivery, not admit and prolonged services. Only services provided 24 hours before the delivery are separately billable.