Wiki OB Postpartum IP


Crestwood, KY
Best answers
Hi: I have read previous threads but want to clarify why some coders are using Z39.0 for postpartum inpatient subsequent visits. The code has a statement under the description of the code "Code and observation in uncomplicated cases when the delivery occurs outside the healthcare facility". I understand this to mean to use this only when this happens. Some of my coders understand it to mean if the delivery happens outside of the healthcare facility you can use this code.

My thoughts are to use Z39.2 when there is an uncomplicated postpartum visit inpatient and/or outpatient.

I appreciate any guidance on this so I can clarify this situation and get on with my life! Lol

Thanks in advance,
Z39.0 is for care of a mother if delivery occurred outside of the facility.
I also don't bill postpartum care IP subsequent visits. For global payers, this is included in the global package. And the direction from my AR team prefers not to bill this for non-global payers as well as most of the time, the visits are denied.