Wiki OB postpartum billing


Hoagland, IN
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We have a patient that was seen past the 60 days you are allowed to bill for post partum care. Generally the physicians perform a pap at the post partum visit and we bill out the preventative level with V72.31. There was no pelvic or pap performed. The Dr. chose 59430 and ICD9 V24.2. What is the correct way to do this? Would we bill an E/M with V24.2 because it is past the 60 days we are allowed to bill that? Are we able to bill a E/M with v24.2? Any guidance would be great! Thanks
There is generally a global (90 days if c-section) period if he/she was the delivering physician. He can only bill 59430 if he did not deliver and only saw her for post-partum. If it's past the global period and only a pap is performed, I would charge a normal E/M and the pap collection code, preventative visit if it was a physical.