Wiki OB Post Partum care


Fort Wayne, IN
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I have a question regarding billing out the postpartum care visit. One of the doctors in the group (which we bill under the same tax id number) but our doctors do there own ob's unless they are out of town and they asked another doctor to cover their ob's while they are out. Well one doctor delivered one of her patients and just performed the delivery only and post partum are immediately after delivery and he billed out 59409 with 59430 along with 99238 for the discharge. Now the patient has come in today for her PP check with the original doctor who did all of the ob care except for the delivery can she bill out the 59430 for the 6 week PP since the delivering physician has already done this? Or should I bill out an E/M code 99213 with the V24.2 dx code, or nothing at all?