Wiki OB Billing


Paoli, IN
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Since I bill IN Medicaid I can not bill Global OB charges. My question is if a provider sees the patient in the Hospital during a delivery what other codes can I add to the delivery only code? Example: Patient goes in on 6/1, delivers on 6/2, and then is seen 6/3 and discharged on 6/4. So as of right now all we bill is the vaginal delivery code 59409...sometimes high risk/post partum complication codes. We also sometimes have other providers that do rounds on patients but once again we are only billing the one code for the delivery for the other provider. TIA
Since I bill IN Medicaid I can not bill Global OB charges. My question is if a provider sees the patient in the Hospital during a delivery what other codes can I add to the delivery only code? Example: Patient goes in on 6/1, delivers on 6/2, and then is seen 6/3 and discharged on 6/4. So as of right now all we bill is the vaginal delivery code 59409...sometimes high risk/post partum complication codes. We also sometimes have other providers that do rounds on patients but once again we are only billing the one code for the delivery for the other provider. TIA
The description of the postpartum work for 59509 in the CPT database is as follows: Postpartum care: Post partum care includes writing of post partum orders specific to the patient, as well as a patient specific dictation of the delivery events. Hospital and state specific birth records are completed. The patient is seen after this to secure stability of mother and child, and the physician meets with the family. All questions are answered.

The code of course includes the admission work, labor management and delivery. If the patient is seen on 6/2 after the delivery and something more than what is described above is documented you may bill for it. You may bill the the care on 6/3. and 6/4 as well as hospital or outpatient PP care is not included in the reimbursement for 59409. If non-delivering provider sees the patient on the date of delivery and this is just a status check not related to any complications, this work would be included in the delivery only code and should not be reported separately unless the provider is not affiliated with the practice that delivered her.
The description of the postpartum work for 59509 in the CPT database is as follows: Postpartum care: Post partum care includes writing of post partum orders specific to the patient, as well as a patient specific dictation of the delivery events. Hospital and state specific birth records are completed. The patient is seen after this to secure stability of mother and child, and the physician meets with the family. All questions are answered.

The code of course includes the admission work, labor management and delivery. If the patient is seen on 6/2 after the delivery and something more than what is described above is documented you may bill for it. You may bill the the care on 6/3. and 6/4 as well as hospital or outpatient PP care is not included in the reimbursement for 59409. If non-delivering provider sees the patient on the date of delivery and this is just a status check not related to any complications, this work would be included in the delivery only code and should not be reported separately unless the provider is not affiliated with the practice that delivered her.
Piggy backing on this question. If the same provider sees the patient for a subsequent visit and then discharge on the same day can you code for both services?
Piggy backing on this question. If the same provider sees the patient for a subsequent visit and then discharge on the same day can you code for both services?
You many not bill for a subsequent visit and a discharge the same day. If the provider was managing the admission, you would bill only the discharge.