Wiki nutrition therapy practitioner (NTP)


Local Chapter Officer
Missoula, MT
Best answers
Has anyone ever billed for a NTP? If so what requirement are there to do so? Please share your experience if so.

Thank you,
Our practice has not, as of yet! I would like to know the answers to your question as well! We are in the beginning phase of researching the reimbursement and if an NP, PA or RN/LPN can do them.
Will you share your experience as well if you find anything out. Advanced Nurse P is same as MD just credential to each insurance. PA you need a doctor to bill. Natural Path is payer specific and you just have to credential like a MD. If that helps at all.

I have no clue on nutrition therapy practitioners.... It's not typical as most places use dietitians.
According to what I've found, NTP are not licensed professionals, but merely have a certificate of completion from a school. This would be a private pay situation.