Wiki Nursing Home Visits - Does anyone have any good

Tampa, FL
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Does anyone have any good education for the coding of nursing home visits? I need something to help me understand it more and to make sure my doctors do as well as in February they will be making these visits. Thank you.
Can you be more specific? I'm not sure what you're looking for. I do audit nursing home charts, so maybe I can help answer any questions you have.
Our doctors and MAs are the ones who code based on what happens in the office visit. The only time I see the medical records is when I'm double-checking/auditing to ensure the documentation matches the codes.

I'm just wondering if there is already some created training guide or material so I can review it with them to ensure they understand nursing home visit coding, and I have less to worry about.
Mr. Enos, how to code nursing home visits and getting them paid, has become a
"catch 22". I work for an internal medicine physician. The nursing home calls him and requests a visit. The guidelines on the medicare website are contradictory to me, and present so many variables, it's confusing! I have been using 99307-99310 for subsequent visits with POS 31. Every 30 days for the first 90 days and every 60 days thereafter? The code description states "per day". Help!!!