Wiki Nursing Facility Care E/M Question


Clifton, CO
Best answers
I am new to this area of coding and I am needing some guidance with determining what is allowed and required for nursing facility/swing bed documentation.

I have this note that I'm not sure this is billable, but again, I'm not sure. The provider documented Reason for admission to Swing Bed:
Patient will be discharged from her acute bed to a swing bed today given that she is now medically stable but remains significantly short of breath and will likely need 2-3 more days of rehabilitation prior to being at a baseline for safe return to home.

Refer to History and Physical for most recent Observation Admission for the following:
1) Chief Complaint
2) History of Present Illness
3) Past Medical History
4) Past Surgical History
5) Home Medications
6) Social History
7) Family History
8) Review of Systems

I haven't been able to find any good resources on this, so if anybody could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.

Thank you,