Wiki Nurse Practitioner & Physician seeing patient?


Thomasville, GA
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Not how how our NP needs to document...
One of our physicians is seeing new patients today. He is having our NP go in first and do the physical exam and history. Then he is going in and seeing the patient as well. The NP is doing the chart.
1. Is this allowed and how should the NP document that she saw the pt and the doctor saw the pt?
2. Who gets credit for the charge? The doctor, right?

With our other 2 doctors if they need assistance they will have the NP go in the room with them and act as a scribe and they document that they are acting as a scribe. This doesn't fit into that category.
Not how how our NP needs to document...
One of our physicians is seeing new patients today. He is having our NP go in first and do the physical exam and history. Then he is going in and seeing the patient as well. The NP is doing the chart.
1. Is this allowed and how should the NP document that she saw the pt and the doctor saw the pt?
2. Who gets credit for the charge? The doctor, right?

With our other 2 doctors if they need assistance they will have the NP go in the room with them and act as a scribe and they document that they are acting as a scribe. This doesn't fit into that category.
This sounds like a split/shared office visit. To code the service you'll add up the time according to the CPT guidelines. Both providers should document their work based on the carrier's guidelines (if any have been issued). You should also check the carrier about billing. So far as I'm aware CMS has not issued guidelines on whether/when the doctor or the NP would bill the service. I haven't checked individual carriers.