Wiki Nurse Practitioner Billing


Aurora, IL
Best answers
I am relatively new to billing and am struggling with this issue.

I work in an integrated physician's office; we primarily perform chiropractic services but also currently have a Family Practice D.O. who performs H&P, Hyalgan injections, tendon injections, TPI, NCV/EMG, DME, allergy testing and shots, etc.

Our D.O. is retiring and a Nurse Practitioner will be taking his place. She will have a collaborating physician who will not be working in our office. The office manager and I have no idea how to bill for her.

We have no idea whose NPI to use and where on the HCFA form, if SA modifier is needed, etc.

I apologize in advance for my utter ignorance as I am primarily a coder.

Thank you SO MUCH for any help you can give me on this!

You will ned to credential her with all payers and use only the NP NPI for all of the NP services rendered. You cannot use an NPI of a provider that is not on site at the time of the visit, and you cannot bill under a providers NPI that is not in the same specialty.
Thank you for the information, Debra!

We have gotten her credentialed with all payers. We thought that the billing would be the way you said, but we just didn't know.

Thank you so much! You have been a great help!
