Wiki nurse practioner

Can a licensed family nurse pratitioner see a family member for acute diagnosis as a out patient?

Providers are generally discouraged from treating family members; however there are no laws or guidelines that prohibit it. BUT you need to check with the payer to see if it is billable. CMS will not pay for this; neither will most commercial payers. AAFP and CMS both have guidance on their websites regarding this.

Hope this helps!
Opinion 6.13 - Professional Courtesy

Professional courtesy refers to the provision of medical care to physician colleagues or their families free of charge or at a reduced rate. While professional courtesy is a long-standing tradition in the medical profession, it is not an ethical requirement. Physicians should use their own judgment in deciding whether to waive or reduce their fees when treating fellow physicians or their families. Physicians should be aware that accepting insurance payments while waiving patient copayments may violate Opinion 6.12, "Forgiveness or Waiver of Insurance Copayments." (II, IV)

130 - Charges Imposed by Immediate Relatives of the Patient or Members of the Patient?s Household
(Rev. 1, 10-01-03)
A3-3161, HO-260.12, B3-2332

A. General
These are expenses that constitute charges by immediate relatives of the beneficiary or by members of their household. The intent of this exclusion is to bar Medicare payment for items and services that would ordinarily be furnished gratuitously because of the relationship of the beneficiary to the person imposing the charge. This exclusion applies to items and services rendered by providers to immediate relatives of the owner(s) of the provider. It also applies to services rendered by physicians to their immediate relatives and items furnished by suppliers to immediate relatives of the owner(s) of the supplier.