Wiki Nurse administration for test dose

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Can anybody tell me if we can bill for the nurse administration code for when we give the patient a test dose of a drugs and can we bill for the test drug if they have no problem from the drug and if so do we bill it separate or do we combine the amount of the test dose with the rest of the drug we give?
Is this facility or physician's office.

Is it the same dose? For example, we give Iron Infusion 25 mg as a test dose push (96376) and if they ok, the stronger dose of 200mg is given. Then we have the 96365 since it is the same drug but different dose. If it's 200 mg from 9:00-9:15 and all is fine and thenyou continue with the same dose of 200mg, 9:30-10:00, it's added together.

If the patient doesn't continue on with the treatment due to a reaction, we would only charge for the TPD push of 96374.

We are facility.
It is done in a physician office.

For example if we give a patient a test dose of paclitaxel at 9:20 to 9:25 and gave the rest of the paclitaxel at 9:40 to 12:45 (293mg). Can we bill a 96411 for the test dose?
I agree. You should add the infusion/admin times together. 0:05 for test dose plus 3:05 for treatment time. Bill for total time of 3:10.