Wiki Number per day


Ocala, FL
Best answers
I am curious as to what number of charts you are required to code per day? Is there an industry standard that coders should be meeting? Please don't discount my question I am very curious to the answer as it pertains to my current job.
I code for anesthesia, I do not do anything with demographics or data entry to create claim I only code and I code between 300 and 400 cases per 8 hour day for a very large billing company. When I code for out patient and inpatent E&M ( also no demographics or data entry) I can code between 200 and 250 cases per 8 hour day:)
Define "coding".

Is it abstracting data from op notes? Validating electronic health records? Assigning E&M codes? Adding appropriate modifers and linking dx to CPT? Handwriting audit sheets? Validating diagnosis codes? Creating reports? Entering data into practice management system or handing it off for someone else to enter? Doing research on billing/coding/bundling guidelines? Working coding/billing edits on a practice management system? Reviewing hospital charts? Radiology? Cardiology? A mix?
I do not create reports or use auditing sheets. i do check op reports and I code the operation for the highest anesthetic value cross walk to the apropriate anesthesia code. Pick the correct dx and append the correct modifiers. When doing e/m and I read the report checking for all necessary attributes and assign a level based on new patient est. patient, in patient out patient and place of service. also assigning dx codes based on report.
I'm sorry mrray, I wasn't necessarily directing the question to you, although your answer is helpful. My point was that different employers have different expectations for "coders". Coding covers a lot of territory with many variables so if I say that I have to "code" 75 charts a day without knowing all of my other responsiblities and the specifics of what I'm coding, someone else might think that's not very many charts and others might think that's too many.