Wiki Number of Problems/Diagnoses


True Blue
Waukee, IA
Best answers
So I have that you can count 2 pts for an established problem requiring active management or one established problem worsening. What would be included in active management? Do you think prostate cancer with active surveillance would be included in that?
For your scenario: no. I would only give this one point.

Think of it this way:

1 point for a known medical condition that is responding as expected (usually the condition is getting better)

2 points if the known condition is not responding to treatment as expected, so the doc has to change the treatment plan. Try a different Rx, increase or decrease the Rx the patient is on. Try a different form of treatment that has not been tried yet. This is easy to tell just reading what the physician has done.

For prostate cancer just "Watching" is very normal. I would not give it 2 points unless the doc has to stop watching and doing something to treat it due to the progression.