Wiki Number of HPIs


Annville, PA
Best answers
Please help in determining the number of HPIs there are on this visit:

CC: He is referred for a low platelet count.

HPI: This is a new problem and is of concern because his is chronically antiocoagulated due to atrial fibrillation.

I am leaning towards location, quality, modifying factors and assoc signs and symptoms.

Your thoughts???
These four seems to work fine. Per your detail above, since Afib seems to be the cause(due to?), you might want to consider "context" to sub for one of the four. You will still end up with four descriptors, but it may be easier to explain if questioned/reviewed by an outsider (if ever questioned/reviewed). :)
This is what I was originally thinking:

Location: platelet count
Quality: chronically
Mod Factor: anticoagulated
Assoc s&s: atrial fib
I thought as much. Because of your note, I do not see any other detail (Is this all of the HPI documentation?), I think you should consider Afib as the "context" of the complication.