Wiki Nuclear Stress test reading


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The doctor I am coding for says there are two codes required when he reads a nuclear stress test at rest and then after excercise. I have only been using one, 78452-26. Should I also be using 93018 and, if so, does it require a modifier.:confused:
The doctor I am coding for says there are two codes required when he reads a nuclear stress test at rest and then after excercise. I have only been using one, 78452-26. Should I also be using 93018 and, if so, does it require a modifier.:confused:

Yes you will also be reporting codes from the 93015-93018 range depending on the place of service or what portion your provider is doing.

Jessica CPC, CCC
The service was done at the hospital and that is where the doctor is interpreting the report. So should I be using codes 78452-26 and 93018?
yes, when we charge for reading/supervising a stress test in the hosp setting we charge 78452-26 93018 93016