Wiki Nuclear Scan billing


Rochester, NY
Best answers
Is there anyone in New York State that bills Medicaid only (and gets paid) for the Radiopharmaceuticals used during a Nuclear Stress Test?
We typically bill A9500 and A9502.
I know that an invoice is required, but everytime we used to send one in, it didn't get processed. We started referring these patients to the hospital because of this.
Is there another form that I am missing?
We recently decided to start doing them in our office again and I want to get some information before we see our first one.
I'm in Texas but we don't bill for the radiopharmaceuticals when performed in the hospital, we bill those when performed in the office, only.

The hospital "owns" those drugs per say, as they own the equipment; when we bill in the hospital we bill with -26 and no drugs.

We bill drugs and global code when performed in office.

Maybe y'all are in a special situation I'm not familiar with.
