Wiki Nuclear medicine "reading physician"


Rossville, GA
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I bill Nuclear in our office. We have 6 physicians that actually order, but only one of them "reads" the test; therefore, I bill:

ordering physician= physician that orders


"nuclear physician" (that interps)= servicing provider.

Problem being that now our nuclear physician looks as if he orders many times more nuclear test than his peers. We are addressing the issue, but since "nuclear physician" is the only one creditialed/certified to read/interp, does he HAVE TO LEGALLY be the servicing provider? Or can I use the ordering md as servicing (even though he does nothing but order?) I have looked for information on this and have been unable to find...can someone advise? Thanks! KJW
Who is supervising the testing in the office? Are you separately billing the technical and professional components of the test based on supervising/interpreting?
You should put the ordering provider as the ordering/referring provider. That right there would show the billing provider is not the ordering.