Wiki NSTEMI myocardial infarction (old vs history of) when coding CAD


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I am auditing a record that documentation stated " CAD with history of NSTEMI Myocardial infarction" but no other code besides I25.10 was used. I think I would need to add I25.2 for old myocardial infarction to the I25.10 diagnosis, but I am not sure since the documentation states this is a history code. Also, there is a code for NSTEMI myocardial infarction I21.4, but to me this suggests a current MI, not something specified as history.

As far as I could tell, there are no history of codes for Mycardial Infarction in ICD-10. Please assist as the coding guidelines don't outline if these codes need to be added to each other somehow.


You would use the I25.10 for the CAD and the I25.2 for the old MI. The 'old' MI is the history of. I21.4 is for a current MI, unspecified location.