Wiki NST dates of service help?


Fulton, MO
Best answers
It was brought to my attention this morning that when coding a fetal Non Stress Test, my coders are using the day the test was interpreted (not the DOS of the actual NST) as the date of service for the claim. I think this is incorrect, but am having a hard time finding documentation to back that up. Does anyone know of any articles that state the proper procedure for dates that an interpretation was done? Thank you!
It was brought to my attention this morning that when coding a fetal Non Stress Test, my coders are using the day the test was interpreted (not the DOS of the actual NST) as the date of service for the claim. I think this is incorrect, but am having a hard time finding documentation to back that up. Does anyone know of any articles that state the proper procedure for dates that an interpretation was done? Thank you!

Hi Ashley,

This article from HCPRO may be worth reading...
