Wiki NPP and initial visit in hospital setting


Pocahontas, IL
Best answers
Can the initial consult or H&P be billed under the NP in an inpatient or outpatient hospital setting? Example, NP seen the patient as an inpatient consult. The MD never did make it to see the patient on the same date but did see the patient the following day. The physician did not sign NP's initial consult. Another example is NP seen patient for initial observation H&P. The MD did not see the patient at all but signed the NP's note.

In general, you would be able to bill under the Nurse Practitioner for the services that they rendered. You would need to bill the services under their NPI as these would not be eligible for incident to.

In regards to the signature issues a good resource is the AMA State Law Chart for Nurse Practitioner Practice Authority. It will define by each state the laws in place that allow for an NP to work/bill and addresses issues such as collaborative practice agreements.

Here is a link for reference: