Wiki NP versus XRAY


Bellefountaine, OH
Best answers
So, I am new to an Orthopaedic Surgeons office and OMG is there a lot to learn!! Lets start with a basic, patient comes into the office on the 10th, never seen before and just gets an xray, then comes back on the 12th and sees the provider for the first time, new or not new patient? Keep in mind that xray will be billed under the same tax id as the provider, 2 days prior to the patient actually seeing the provider. Thank you in advance!
A patient becomes established only after a face-to-face service with the provider, such as an E&M visit or surgical procedure that requires the presence of the physician. Since an x-ray is only a diagnostic test that does not require a face-to-face encounter with the physician, this would not establish the patient and they would be considered new in this situation.