Wiki NP Student seeing patients


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Does anyone know what CMS feels about a Nurse Practitioner Student seeing patients by herself (without licensed NP with her), treating the patient, documenting in the chart and signing the chart? There are two licensed NP in the practice, but they are not with the student when she sees and treats the patient. I am asked to code these charts and I don't think they are billable.
A student is not a licensed practitioner no they may not see patients and chart progress notes. They are required to have over the shoulder supervision.
Thanks! Here's their comment: Here’s a common question: “Can you bill if a nurse practitioner (NP) mentors an NP student and the student performs a service, documents it, and the NP signs off?” The answer is easy: No.Services provided by medical, NP, or physician assistant students are never billable services. These students are unlicensed and uncredentialed. You can’t bill a government payer or a third party payer for services performed or documented by any kind of student.The usual response: “But our NP sees all of these patients. She goes in, examines the patient, and develops the plan. Then the student writes it all down and the NP signs it. Isn’t that OK?”No. The credentialed and qualified NP may bill only for those services she personally performs and documents. The NP may not bill for services performed by the student.Grasping for straws, the final question is, “Isn’t there anything we can use from the student’s documentation?”Sure. A student, like any staff member in the office, may document a review of systems and past medical, family, and social history. The billing provider must tie that portion of the history to her own note in order to count it as her own documentation. For example, write, “The remainder of the ROS and PFSH was documented by my student today, and I reviewed and agree with it.”It is never acceptable to bill for services based on any student note except in those very limited ROS and PFSH situations. Remove the phrase “seen and agreed” from the lexicon in a physician practice.Most groups allow and encourage the student to fully document the note. However, they base the billing on the fully documented note of his credentialed and licensed provider. - See more at: