Wiki NP split/shared visits


Columbus Ohio
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I have a scenario that I am struggling with. I work with a Hospitalist group and we have NP's that work in collaboration with the physicians. Due to hospital bylaws our NP's cannot admit a patient. We have 2 campuses. We had a patient admitted to our south campus at 4 am. The NP did an H&P and the patient due to condition was transferred to our main campus where our physician then seen the patient. Here is my struggle, can this be a split/shared visit since the NP and physician were in different facilities? They are employed by the same group and it is the same tax id number, just different locations. I would appreciate any info.
I have dealt a lot with split-shared however I have never had this scenario. I would imagine the 2 campuses have shared records and since the group is the same I would think it can be split shared.