Wiki NP Billing

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Does anyone know the billing guideline for NP's services under direct supervision? example:

1) If the NP sees the patient(s) for a follow up visit in the office and we have Dr. “A” present in the office suite and immediately available to provide assistance, however Dr. “B” is the care provider for that patient(s) who is not present in the office at the time NP sees his/her patient(s).
Does Dr.”A” need to co-sign the chart or can Dr. “B” who is not in the office co-sign instead?

2) If the physician(s) order the duplex scan for a 6 months follow up in the office, can NP give the results to the patient before the physician(s) sign off the report? Can we bill for this visit if NP's exam and review of the H&P is at the same office visit.

3)Do we need to have the same physician(s) specialty in the building?
example: If the Vascular NP is seeing the patient but only Thoracic surgeon in the building can the NP see this patient?
I think as far as the cosign goes it has to be the physician the NP is in the collaborative agreement with. As far as who you submit the bill under if you are billing incident to it must be billed under the supervising phsyician who must be in the same specialty as the physician that originally saw the patient for the same dx.