Wiki NP billing

Decatur, TN
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I have recently been given the responsibility of billing for our new NP. She sees patients in a SNF. She wants me to bill for visits in following ex: pt seen on 7/2 for regular care bill 99308 then saw again on 7/4 for removal of impacted cerumen bill 69210 -50 for bilateral plus another 99308 with-25 mod, then saw again on 7/6 for follow-up care. I am aware that just she documents medical necessity she can see the patient for all three visits. My thoughts are bill first visit 99308, second visit 69210-50, and the third would be included as part of global period of the second visit? Would this be correct? Any advice appreciated.

According to what I've read about this, there is a -0- day global period for 69210 so your third date of service would be billable with medical necessity. I agree with your first date of service coding but if the NP returned two days later specifically to remove the impacted cerumen then the E/M service would not appropriate as there is no separate and significant E/M service (unless documented). I also read that that Medicare is not recognizing the -50 modifier. It's recommended you bill 69210 with only one unit. I found a great tutorial for this, you might find it helpful -

Good luck!