Wiki NP Billing Under MD in Hospital?

Montgomery, NY
Best answers
I skimmed through the threads and didn't see anything specifically addressing this....

Our MDs are going to temporarily be on-call at 2 hospitals simultaneously (weekends). Because they can not be in 2 places at the same time, they plan to have our NPs help with the local hospital on-call.

2 part question:
1. Can our NPs see patients in the hospital (assuming they are credentialed, and all other legal paperwork is in order) and bill under the MDs, or does it have to be under themselves?

2. If they CAN bill under the MDs, what criteria must be met by both the NP and the MD in each note?

I've found some information on-line stating incident-to does not apply to hospital settings, but it was dated 2002. I don't have my course book on-hand to reference either...

Hoping someone has more recent, and concrete information.

Any help is greatly appreciated. =)
Incident-to does not apply in a facility based setting. Look into split/shared, but that is only when both NP and MD see the patient.