Wiki NP billing same day as MD


Camdenton, MO
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Request insights... an Orthopedic group is wanting to set up PreOp clinic serviced by PA or NP to provide EKGs, Labs etc then have patient to go MD/Surgeon for consult and scheduling. Can both E/Ms be billed same day? if so, restrictions?
Do you know how many red flags I'm seeing reading this question? The surgeon cannot bill pre-op visits since that's included in the surgical package. And attempting to circumvent that and receive payment for it separately is fraud. There are some patients who do need to see a specific specialist to get clearance for surgery such as a Cardiologist or Pulmonologist. Most patient's don't need this. My question is: How much money do your surgeon's want to pay in fines and penalties?
What I don't understand is... how can you do a pre-op BEFORE you do a consult and schedule?? That's opposite of what should be done.