Wiki Not sure of correct dx code


Bronx, NY
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Pt had CT scan chest, abdomen and pelvis. Order states BREAST CA

IMPRESSION: Pleural based density at anterior aspect of the right upper thorax which may indicate a focal pleural thickening but pleural base mass not excluded.

Small amount of the right sided pleural effusion.

Abdomen/pelvis normal.

Is is appropriate to code the chest with 174.9/518.89? Not sure about the abdomen/pelvis.....V71.1???
Pt had CT scan chest, abdomen and pelvis. Order states BREAST CA

IMPRESSION: Pleural based density at anterior aspect of the right upper thorax which may indicate a focal pleural thickening but pleural base mass not excluded.

Small amount of the right sided pleural effusion.

Abdomen/pelvis normal.

Is is appropriate to code the chest with 174.9/518.89? Not sure about the abdomen/pelvis.....V71.1???
I would code 174.9, 518.89, and 511.9 on the chest. I would just code 174.9 on the abdomen and pelvis.
Is this patient female? If not then that changes the answer, but you would use the breast ca code for the abd and pelvis, it is very common to scan other body areas because the patient has breast ca or any othe primary CA.