Wiki Normal hearing results


Glenburn, ME
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I'm confused about billing normal hearing results as part of a screening exam. The ASHA tells audiologits to code as unspecified hearing loss even with a normal results. ICD 9 tells us to bill signs and symtoms. There are none, this child was referred as part of a newborn exam, the results are normal. I say we have to bill V codes. My audiologist is arguing using the ASHA guidelines. What are your opinions?
The problem with using "unspecified hearing loss" is that the patient is now and forever tagged with this diagnosis. You should dig into the insurance policy to see what their coverage lists for these type screens. V codes will most often be used to describe an encounter for testing or to identify a potential risk. They should not be used, however, when the diagnosis code includes the condition provided by the status/V code.
That's a good point, I did think about how that would follow the child but didn't point that out. This was strictly a newborn hearing exam, no problems or concerns. I know that if there is anything else to use you should use that rather than a V code but in this case that's all there is.