Wiki non oliguric renal insufficiency


Jacksonville, FL
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Do anyone know the DX for non oliguric renal insufficiency?

I know that non oliguric means 500ml or more urine output and oliguric means less than 500ml.

The only thing I am getting from that documentaion is that the patient is having renal insuf with more than 500ml output, so i am thinking the code is 593.9?

someone told me 584.5:cool:
Do anyone know the DX for non oliguric renal insufficiency?

I know that non oliguric means 500ml or more urine output and oliguric means less than 500ml.

The only thing I am getting from that documentaion is that the patient is having renal insuf with more than 500ml output, so i am thinking the code is 593.9?

someone told me 584.5:cool:

Hi did you ever find your answer? I am stuck in the same there a code we can use for non-oliguric?
I would use 593.9. I wouldn't use 584.5 unless your report specifies "acute kidney failure with lesion of tubular necrosis."